Brakes Squeaking

One of the nuisances that can turn your day sour is the squeaking of your brakes. Suddenly hearing your brakes squeal can disrupt your driving experience and cause concern. However, in most cases, brake squeaking is a common issue and can often be addressed at home. Here's what you need to know about why your brakes might be making noise and how to fix it:

Brake Pads: Frequent braking can wear down brake pads, eventually leading to friction against the metal, causing noise. It's important to check the wear level of the pads and replace them when necessary.

Dirty Brakes: Dirty or dusty brakes can also cause noise. Cleaning the brake mechanism and lubricating it if necessary can solve this issue.

Frozen Brakes: In cold weather conditions, it's common for brakes to freeze and then emit noises. Checking the brake mechanism and heating it if necessary is important.

Brake Disc Damage: Cracks or deformations in brake discs can also lead to noise. In this case, replacing the brake discs may be necessary.

Lubrication of Brake System: Improper lubrication of components in the brake system can also cause noise. Performing proper lubrication procedures is important to address this issue.

When your brakes start making noise, it's always a good idea to consult with an auto service. A professional inspection can identify the source of the problem and recommend the appropriate solution. However, in simple cases, you can solve the problem on your own using the above tips. Remember, functional and quiet brakes are essential for safe driving.